Unless you are looking for trouble, you won't find it. Just use common sense. Speak to the tour desk at your hotel to find out which areas to avoid. Just be prepared to be stuck there if the airport is closed again.
It sounds as though the problems are in Bangkok and Phuket is quite some distance away.
Beware of a couple or three things, though.
1. The mozzies are man-eaters and carry malaria. Make sure you have the latest recommended medication and that you take it religiously. Carry insect repellent.
2. The tourist spots were littered with strip joints and STD clinics - I think there is a message there. AIDS is endemic.
3. If anything, the fellas are prettier than the girls and are keen on drag! Be warned unless that is where your preferences lie.
4. Given a choice of food temperatures "medium hot" means "very hot". "Hot" means "explosive"
Phuket is a beach city, full of tourists,
I don't know about any uprising over there, they seem pretty calm.
I think you will be fine, usually any uprisings are in the bigger citys like Bangkok, you should be fine in Phuket, stick to the beaches and bars.
British tourists warned to avoid Thailand as violence spreads
Yes, you will be safe in Phuket. The general disturbances are restricted to mostly Bangkok - the seat of ower. Phuket is fantastic - you might not weanna leave!
Yes, it is.
I live in Thailand. You're safe as long as you don't join the protest.
But the atmosphere may not be so lively.
yeah phuket go there.
why not.