วันเสาร์ที่ 1 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Guess who was suspended from Phuket?

The Viking Emperor. Wow, I'm getting sick of having my questions deleted. Perhaps we should move to a different section and have it so only our contacts can look at our questions? (so it say's that it's private on our profile, which would cut down on the people who report us actually finding us)

Or should we just be bull-headed and keep posting here?

Umm, favorite band....oops, I mean brand....of Black Metal?

Yeah, this is ridiculous, the whole time that we have been here I have not seen a single legitimate dining question...I guess we need to spread to different places and keep infecting them until we get our section!

When dining in Phuket and in the mood for Black metal, I like to dine at Burzum and Darkthrone.

The thing is mate, you are in wrong section. This is dining out in Phuket. Personally I agree Y%A should have a metal section, I never turned you in but always felt sad that the music section didn't quite satisfy you. You will never see peace in a wrong section, I know from experience. Some of the vietnam vets and I were in Vietnam a few years ago and we were always harassed.Section, dining out that is. I wish you well.

Who knew so many people lived in phuket and actually cared enough about food to start posting here quite frankly i think we should stay if we get suspended or our answers and question get thrown away we should stay just to tell yahoo Answers to make us a phuking section...not to mention this is the only place i can say phuk that's relevant.

I'm not alot into the Black genre but uh Dark hole black metal I mean that's gotta be black no light in a dark hole

Wait King Diamond/Merciful Fate is black? Then whatever brand of black metal they are.

I wish there was a punk section excluding the likes of fans who like the ramones, sex pistols, greenday, rise against, escape the fate, slipNOT, corn, DK etc, you know stuff thats so old and now boring.

I never see posting for the current hc punk scene, just the same old **** as if it was new material (meaning the ramones, dk, blah, blah blah)...

nothing relating to your question but thats how I feel...

Wow, that's just ridiculous. Seriously, there was an average of like 1 question per month here, what's the harm of us taking it over? It's like taking away a toy from a baby. They aren't playing with it, but they'll still cry and b*tch when it's taken away.

MQ: Melodic Black Metal, such as Old Man's Child and Naglfar.

I second Suite-Pee's suggestion.

Starting a post in one of these Yahoo Suggestion Forums or some such and having enough votes might just do us all some good...

...and then some advertising would get the people you need.

How about that?

MQ: Atmospheric Black Metal. Some of the most beautiful stuff I've ever heard.

Damn... that sucks. I'm surprised I didn't get suspended for posting so much questions (though most of them got deleted).

I think we should move. We'll just keep getting reported if we keep posting. So let's try to find another deserted section.

Black metal brand? Extreme black metal.

Gotta go with the originals Venom(I really tried to get into Possessed-it just they had such bad production.)

Venom had a great sound(Yeah they may have sucked live).

And of course-King Diamond/Merciful Fate.His voice is still haunting.

Long Live the King.

I saw that one coming, sorry I didn't go down with the ship.

Early Black Metal like Venom


It's not fair, is it? If only they would give us a metal section then we wouldn't need to keep posting in "inappropriate" sections. How many times do we have to make this point? And how sad would you have to be to constantly report us? We're not doing any harm, and no one ever used this section anyway. It's just immature people.

I think it's a good idea to only allow contacts to see our questions, it may stop people from constantly reporting us. Is there any way of contacting Y!A to ask them for our own section? Perhaps if we all did it on mass then they would actually listen. It might be worth a try.

My favourite brand of black metal is ambient black metal. It's actually my favourite genre of music full stop. I know it's not that popular with the purists, as it can be quite tuneful (Shock! Horror!) but I absolutely love the stuff. I love the combination of extreme brutality with beauty.

At the moment I'm listening to Mayhem's 'Live in Leipzig' live album and drooling over how sexy Dead sounds. Yes I know I'm sick...

EDIT: It is actually really difficult to type when you have a cat sitting on your lap. Just thought I'd share that with you all.

YOU!? After all you're like the biggest contributor here. I say we could move but then we'd just end up getting the same treatment there. I think that if we stay then they'll soon give up.

Favourite Black Metal: Carpathian Forest. Gorgoroth was my #1 but CF is more fun in some songs but in others can be just as "black" as any band.

